recycle back中文什么意思

发音:   用"recycle back"造句
  • recycle:    vt.,n. 1.(使)再循环。 2 ...
  • back:    n. 1.背,背部;背脊;背面,反面 ...
  • back recycle:    反向循环
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  1. The bulk of the savings are invested in low yielding financial instruments in the us and other g7 markets before being recycled back to asia in other forms of investment
  2. Or take the global supply of dollars , fuelled by america ' s large current - account deficit , the accumulation of reserves by foreign governments and their recycling back to the united states
  3. In bacterial , many enzymes compete for intracellular pep , especially the phosphotransferase system which is responsible for glucose transport in e . coli . this system uses pep as a phosphate donor and converts it to pyruvate , which is less likely to recycle back to pep
    Pep和e4p是dahp合成的限制性底物,在大肠杆菌中, pep又是许多酶的竞争性底物,特别是负责葡萄糖转运的糖磷酸基转运系统。
  4. This is a particularly relevant question when and this is the second phenomenon that i am concerned about a significant part of our savings is recycled back into the region in a much more volatile form with a tendency to assume a predatory character , possibly creating financial havoc and monetary and financial instability in the region


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